Azure Snapshot Manager

Microsoft Azure is a great platform to host Virtual Machines. What native Azure doesn’t have is a good snapshot/checkpoint manager like Hyper-V does. Since some time now you can create disk snapshots per disk. If a Virtual Machine has multiple disks you have to create the snapshot for every disk. And for every disk it asks how you want to call it. Don’t even mention about putting the snapshot back in the VM.

That is where Azure Snapshot Manager comes in. This PowerShell based tool makes it a lot easier for you to create snapshots of all disks in one run. Also it allows you to apply the snapshot on any existing VM in the same region, but also create a new VM based of the selected snapshot. I have developed this script in a few iterations and I believe this version is ready to go into the wild.

If you have any suggestions or questions please check the About button on the site and let me know!


Use of this script is at your own risk and responsibility: This script creates disk snapshots, attach and detach disks to new or existing VMs. No disks are deleted. Creating new Azure resources can increase costs on you Azure bill. Please take this into account.


Download the script here:

Start the script and connect to Azure.

Continue reading Azure Snapshot Manager

PS RoomSigning 2022.02.05 (New Version)


PSRoomSigning 2022 is a complete new version of the PowerShell based solution for RoomSigning. The solution has been reinvented because of issues with the 2021 version. If you installed the 2021 version and have “server error 500” sometimes please remove the old version and install this one.

RoomSigning 2022 will display the meetings in your meeting rooms in your environment. If you have an information display in your company restaurant or foyer you can display this information. Only meetings of today are displayed and meetings in the past are no longer on the screen, keeping it nice and clean.

Example of RoomSigning

How does it work?

The PowerShell script is designed to run as a scheduled task, or scheduled Azure Automation Runbook. The script needs a Service Principal Name in Azure AD with ‘Calendar.Read’ and ‘User.Read’ permissions. And when your target is Azure Web App Service the SPN needs Contributor permissions on the App Service.

When the script runs it will read the configured Exchange Online Room mailboxes and will render an HTML file in a configured target location. This HTML file is the visual representation of the Exchange Rooms. The HTML location needs to be a location where your display device can access it. This can be a webserver running local or in Azure or can be a local folder or a shared folder on a file share. If your client can access it, it will work.

Revision History:

2022 – Second release
• Reinvented the solution with extra jQuery script and splitting the HTML into two files.
• Add jQuery script for refreshing the page, making it more robust and stable.
• Requires webserver, doesn’t work local anymore.
• Fixed the PSRoomsigning_CreateResources.ps1 script now it works.

2021 – First release

Download the PSRoomSigning 2022 solution here.

PS RoomSigning


PSRoomSigning is a PowerShell based solution for RoomSigning, you can run this script on your Windows based display device, webserver or run natively in Azure. RoomSigning will show the meetings of your meeting rooms in your environment. If you have an information display in your company restaurant or foyer you can display this information. Only meetings of today are displayed and meetings in the past are no longer on the screen.

Example of RoomSigning

How does it work?

The PowerShell script is designed to run as a scheduled task, or scheduled Azure Automation Runbook. The script needs a Service Principal Name in Azure AD with ‘Calendar.Read’ and ‘Directory.Read’ permissions. And when your target is Azure Web App Service the SPN needs Contributor permissions on the App Service.

When the script runs it will read the configured Exchange Online Room mailboxes and will render an HTML file in a configured target location. This HTML file is the visual representation of the Exchange Rooms. The HTML location needs to be a location where your display device can access it. This can be a webserver running local or in Azure or can be a local folder or a shared folder on a file share. If your client can access it, it will work.

The HTML file generated contains a 30 second auto refresh setting so when the script writes a new version it will be updated automatically.

Download the PSRoomSigning script here.